I wonder how many of us are in a job that we hate...but love because we HAVE a job when so many don't? I can't honestly say I hate my job, but I sure as heck don't rush out of the house to get there. I am glad when I am there earning some pay for the family, I love chatting with most of my co-workers, I love the people that I help and the conversations we have. I love being busy and getting things done, setting little goals and competing with other co-workers. What I don't like is that it is NOT satisfying. It doesn't make any real difference to my life or anyone else for me to be there and doing the work. Honestly, a child could do it. They don't notice when I am there, they only notice when I am gone. Not just that, but there is about one or two times a week that I am not just sitting there waiting for work to happen. Waiting and Waiting is my biggest drawback. I need to DO.
This 'job' is in the field that I have worked my entire adult life. It is a tiny part of what I used to do in the city. But now that I am in the country there is only a small piece of the work I used to do. I have to deal with that. Of course that makes it really boring mentally, and hard to get through the day. It is not a challenge, and there are no challenges being offered in the near future. So what do I do? Do I stay in the same job field knowing that the experience on my resume' will help me get the better job when I get back to the city in two years ~OR~ find a job that keeps me busy and makes me happy while I wait for these two years to pass? (I am a military wife)
What I am interested in won't exactly look good on my resume' but it's something I was pulled toward the moment I entered this town. Hotels line the streets here, seven on one block! I have been home with my kids for four years, and cleaning doesn't bother me, no matter how bad it can get. It seems silly after being in finances for so long for me to say I just want to clean, right? I want to go from one place to the other putting things in order. I want to make sure the families that come here waiting for homes (like we did) have a clean and safe place to stay. I want to be physically active, keep busy, and feel like I did something by the end of the day.
But it all comes down to future employment....
Will a future employer see that I went from finances to housekeeping staff and look down on me? Will going from one to the other be so drastic that they thought I lowered my standards? Will they understand that I wanted MORE and more just wasn't offered where I was? It's a hard choice....but at least I HAVE that choice. Many don't.
And who is to say that the housekeeping option is even a valid option? They might not want me either! :)
From Lynn Daley via FB~ Everyone gets burnt and can sometimes be forced to refocus. This would be something to add to the interview. Stating you needed a change, military life helped, but you still have the materials to do the job. I think if you feel that you need a total switch for a bit, this will be cool. You will see and hear another form of nasty in the hotel industry though. The putting things in order and the desire to help is clearly stated and should be mentioned in an interview I think. "Just My Opinion...."