Tuesday, April 10, 2012


If you are a know it all, no one wants to know. Trust me. We really don’t. If we are struggling with an issue, it is our ‘task’ or our ‘challenge’ to learn how to get through it. Of course you can come up while we are in the middle of our own mystery, and put in your two cents, but honestly we WANT and NEED to figure it out. While our brains are processing our next step, as well as all possibilities in the end result, we can NOT have you come and start over our process. Yes, you may be right. But it’s human nature to want to ‘see what happens’ with our own way of doing things. Now, if it’s immoral or illegal, yeah, jump right in and stop the process…~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND just because, Mr. Know It All, you know for a fact based on experience, that your idea does certainly work…you do NOT know that my idea will fail. There are many ways of doing things, and you found one. Now let me find another, or slowly come around to your way ON MY OWN. Who knows, maybe my way will be surprisingly easier or more efficient. Yes you KNOW, but you don’t KNOW it ALL.

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