Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Be Content

I have a question, one that I have asked many times over in the last three years.  "If no one was there to brag about what they had or where they have gone or what they have done...would you then be content with your own accomplishments?"

So many times my family members have looked at a car or house or clothing or electronics of another person and gotten upset that they don't have those objects, nor the means to get them.  When talking to them, I want to know for myself if I do the same thing...and I do. 

I am a simple person.  My husband doesn't need to buy me diamonds, because he knows I won't wear them for fear of losing them.  He no longer buys me clothes because he knows my preference would be Walmart or Target to save money.  I would rather fix something I already own than to dump it and buy something new, and I will wear the heck out of it before I give up on it.  (My last van I was emotionally attached to)

My husband see's the grand houses that people his rank own.  He wonders why after so many years int he service, does he not have something similar to show for it.  He see's the huge powerful trucks and looks with disgust at his little gray car.

What do I see when I look at the same thing?  I want a house where I plan to settle for good, not just any house in any state the military drags us.  I don't want a huge house for a small family, especially since they will be moving out.  I didn't have my own room and they don't either.  A big house turns cold without people in it, and the electric bill doesn't help to warm your heart as your family leaves.  I want my little house on a spot where I can see the woods and ocean at the same time.  I will be patient until then. 

As for the huge trucks, the show pieces, the gas guzzlers?  There is no reason to own one other than to brag and be vain.  For a person that goes mudding, a crappy truck worth destroying is best.  For the person that goes 4 wheeling or car crushing in shows?  A crap truck worth destroying (but looks good with a fake exterior) is also what is used.  So who uses the big lifted trucks?  Well, men with money that want bragging rights.  That's it.  A vanity item that shows status.  Well, my husband has six kids, a loyal wife, and two dogs that meet him at the door.  I would hope he sees the value of this over a show piece.

I have friends that have gone from one state to another in one weekend on shopping sprees.  Yes, I was envious, they make the same amount of money as I do, how in the world did they manage the gas money?  Well, a little plastic card works wonders for that freedom.  I don't have one.  I have never applied to the many many offers in the mail.  I knew from working at a protection company that it was a sure way into debt.  I choose not to go that route.  If that means no weekend runs to other states with a car full of clothes that will get lost in my closet after a few wears then so be it.  I have peace of mind, and that is harder to come by and has higher value to me.

So, if these people weren't standing in front of you, if you could just shut it all out and look at just yourself, would you be satisfied?  Would you be content with who you are, what you have, and where you are going in life?  If not, make some changes.  I am.  But they are all about me, not the outside world or all the glimmering lives that others lead.  It's my quest to Be Content with just being me and living my life. 

"You were born with all the gifts and qualities that you will need to be successful in this life."

Photo and Blog
© 2012 Jennifer Rath

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to 'be real' and mention MY envy items to be fair...I wish I looked better. I can see someone eat McD's daily and not gain an ounce. I am not so lucky. That is my envy. Being skinny doesn't get in the way of my goals for myself and the dreams I have, so I don't work on it like I should...so I guess that is my 'real' moment and I will find a way to fix that for myself too. :)
