Sunday, January 29, 2012

Do you See Yourself?

A teenager read my blog. One of the messages she felt applied to her. She thought she could learn from it, and brought it to the attention of her parent. Her parent read the blog, then read several more blogs, then wrote me on all she agreed on except one. She had good points, things I have thought about, points I have to change in myself but I KNOW are wrong none the less. The one she disagreed on happened to be the one that was brought to her attention by her daughter... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remember, this blog is what I have learned and what I still have to learn and what I see about myself, my family, that I would like to work on changing. I get most of my idea's from other moms. (Some of them I am asked to write about I can not at this time only because of ONE person in my life that will use what is found against my family.) No one is called out, nothing is specific to anyone but my own family. If you see something of yourself in a subject, please remember that I did not put you there. YOU put YOU there. And that is actually a GOOD thing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We had a pretty tense talk, worked through it, and I have several more ideas just from her. She is a good mom. Her daughter thinks so too. But her daughter found ONE thing she knows both her mom and her can work on. It hurts to be shown a fault (and my boys have no problem showing me!) and we fight it at first, we strike out...but that is only because we saw something we were not happy with. We found that maybe, just MAYBE we were not aware of an issue that could use some adjusting. My dad said to remember every time you point fault at someone else, there are three more fingers pointing back at yourself. If you see yourself, please don't blame the writer, or the one that brought it to your attention. Use what you can, dump the rest, but always be willing to progress. None of us have reached our true potential. Why not use the help that's out there? Love always, "Miss Goody Two Shoes" :)

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