Sunday, January 22, 2012

Here....Eat This!

Proselytism is the act of attempting to convert by persuasion another individual from a different religion or belief system~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I just wanted to make sure you had a chance to read and understand that. I honestly believe that not only does this happen to adults, but to kids as well. I don't keep my eye on my kids to keep them from choosing one religion or the other...but I DO keep my eye on my kids to make sure that a religion is not FORCED onto them. A child is going into 'religion' with eyes closed and hearts opened. They have the ability to feel the spirit and to be able to feel when something is right. The problem is that they don't always STICK with what they feel. They share their ideas and the ideas are ridiculed, or they get talked out of what they truly feel is right. How does this happen? Well, different groups, different people, they all interpret the Bible in their own way. I am not going to say what is right and wrong because I interpret it MY way and that is good enough for me. Children can grow up with the 'family religion' but that doesn't mean they will continue when they are adults themselves. We can not force the Bible down their throats! We should NOT force them to believe as we do. We SHOULD sit them down, have a lesson, and ask "what does this mean to you?". You can give your opinion, they can give theirs, and BOTH will be right at that moment in time.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No one has a right to tell your child that they are wrong. No one should be able to tell you that YOU are wrong. Why? Because NO ONE knows the whole story. That's why they ask what are your 'Religious Beliefs?" Because what you BELIEVE to be true is good enough until you meet your maker. I am not going to share my religion in this post, because all in all that is NOT the point. Lets just say though that one of my children does not believe as we do, and that is his right. He is not just choosing to go against the grain, he is actually listening and deciding for himself. He doesn't preach to us, we don't preach to him...but when he comes to me with confusion, I share what I feel is right...and most times he leaves with understanding and a lighter heart. I have a strong feeling that he will follow our path, but until then I will not be the one to force him, nor will I allow any one else to do so!


  1. Excellent post baby.. We guide our children, in the end they will make their own decisions

  2. I have to agree with you. We are never asked about religion because most asume we are heathins. But that is not the case and like most situations people make judgements with out the facts. We want are Child to have the ability to choose. We will do everything in our power to see that this happens. If he asks a question and we don't have the answer then we look it up and discuss it togeather. If we can't not find the answer then we branch our and ask others. We have taken a lot of crap for some of the decisions we have made in the past. Some of those decisions are still haunting us today! I love you guys no matter what so keep on keeping on!
