Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What moves Man?

I was having a discussion this morning with a very good conversationalist and an even better debater (if there is such a word), and it was nice to get the blood flowing again with different views being shared back and forth. I try to remember my stand in such cases that can get pretty rough for some, that it is “Just My Opinion” and I don’t have to be loud or upset to share my view. I rather enjoy listening as well. It gives me a respect for the other person’s view. We went on a few different directions, but there was something I got out of it at one point that I wanted to share, something that I was thinking about long after the discussion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is in our human nature to want to FIND the person that hurt or killed a child. It is in our nature to want to make that person PAY for what they did. The face of a child that suffered at the hands of another can set the entire human race into a frenzy. Some would like to say it is that way for all crimes/murders, but I don’t feel that is the case. Yes we have a sense of right or wrong and yes we think that person should pay in a crime on another adult, but not as strong as a defenseless CHILD. That stir’s feelings in us that sometimes become hard to control and easily create mobs of vengeance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So what happens when a crime is committed BY youth? Defense attorneys will do all they can to show the public the weaker person, describe in detail their younger years, and make us view them as younger than they truly are…a defenseless child. Our hearts open to the image of an injured child. It’s in our nature. In some cases we MUST look past the play on words and look at the ‘child’ that really is. Look at the choices she made on her own, look at the decisions he chose to make, that got them in the place they are now. That face, that story, that image of being a child needs to be removed when needed so that a decision can be fairly made on discipline. When attempting to sway a jury to have pity they will use this ‘child’ image for not only them but the public as well. The public no longer wants to listen to the other side of the story, they want vengeance for that ‘child’. This isn’t what we discussed, it was much more in depth, this was the tip of a tiny iceberg. But this is certainly something that got my attention, and I am curious if anyone else see’s what I see…. Let me know.

1 comment:

  1. I personally have no sympathy for a child murderer (or any other crime) I think they should be tried as adults, sure there are things that could sway me on that, sis they shoot out of defense, was their little sibling getting taken or their mom being beaten... hell yeah, let them off... other than that, no matter their "upbringing" they made the choice to do what they did... and they will continue to in the future if left out of a real punishment. Where do you think the adults that do this horrendous stuff came from... they were once a child, they just waited a bit longer to carry out the act, the opportunity did not present itself when they were a child, it did now... hope that made sense, I was ranting... anyway... that is "just MY opinion" :)
